At HG Group, we know that it’s our people who make the difference. It’s our people who enable us to design, develop, market, and distribute the outstanding products that our customers desire. It’s our people who create a culture of innovation that champions creative and critical thinking. And it’s our people who allow us to meet and exceed our customers’ expectations of our products and our company.


In everything we do, we strive to be the best. HG Group seeks to attract, develop and retain top talent across our organization. We are committed to investing in our employees’ development in a way that enhances their value for themselves and our organization. We are committed to creating the best environment possible for employee success. We constantly evaluate and upgrade the skills of our personnel through regular and rigorous ongoing training programs on various aspects of modern real estate/warehousing/ development and construction methodologies and technologies so that each individual cannot just achieve optimum potential but also exceed it. This in turn ensures steady growth through the company ranks.

Safety Culture

Our comprehensive safety program is dedicated to standard safety principles and sound management practices. One of the hallmarks of our program is the active participation and leadership of our employees in health and safety committees and in decision-making processes that positively impact their work environments. Our corporate safety policy makes clear that no job is so important, nor any order so urgent that we cannot take time to complete our work safely.


Building the Future, our community relations program, allows us to make a difference in our communities through charitable giving and employee volunteerism. Our giving program supports organizations in the areas of Sports & Athletics, Diversity through Education, Community, and Health & Human Services.


At HG Group, our commitment to the environment starts with our corporate Environmental Policy, in which every employee takes responsibility for reducing the impact on the environment.

Even though our products and manufacturing processes don’t have as much environmental impact as some industries, we’re constantly looking for ways to minimize our footprint. Over the years, our efforts have included engineering our cutting process to minimize waste, overhauling lighting systems to conserve electricity, and purchasing green cleaning products.

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